The big plus with the opening of the Broad Building was the reopening of the Ahmanson building in January. Why is the Ahmanson a building and the Broad a museum? Ego? You think?
With the reopening of the Ahmanson the entire first floor is dedicated to modern art. Real art. Name an artist from the 20th century and you'll probably see an example of their work. It took us longer to visit the entire first floor of the Ahmanson than it did for all the Broad building.
I agree you should visit the Broad building once. When you're through then head over to the Admanson for a real treat. I promise you'll enjoy the tour.So all this 20th century art at the Admanson why no photography? Oh, you of little faith. It's there you just didn't look in the alcove. This little, bitty gallery is the first place we visit. Last year we saw our first Bressons there. Only a few but worth it.
The photography department does put on shows during the year but no real gallery rooms to show the permanent works. Why? The Getty on the hill has half of one building for photography and they haven't reached the 18th century yet. Only kidding. The Photography department said it will be another 2 years before they have their own space. By then still photography will be dead.
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