From left: Lee Goldberg, Tod Goldberg and Bill Rabkin. All good fellows. They were signing books at the LA Times Festival of Books in the Mystery Bookstore booth. May they prosper.
Friday, May 01, 2009
The Three Amigos
Photoessayist: Bill Rabkin, Lee Goldberg, Tod Goldberg
Kiss Me Stupid
They always call these things accidents. Are they really accidents or just plain old stupidity?
This accident happend on the 405 Saturday and I was maybe a mile behind it. As we came to a stop on the freeway the emergency crews were getting on the freeway heading to the scene.
There is so few highway patrols cars out on the freeway that it has become a free-for-all. Especially when traffic is light. Speeders weaving in-and-out of lanes with constant near misses.
This time they didn't miss. Not pictured was another car in REALLY bad shape.
Photoessayist: Freeway Accident
Monday, April 27, 2009
This For You 'Burn Notice' Fans
You crashed my main web site when you went to the blog to see the photo of Tod Goldberg, author of the tie-in books for Burn Notice, and Matt Nix, the creator of Burn Notice.
So I have created a seperate post with this single picture. Maybe this will keep my web site,, from crashing.
Photoessayist: Burn Notice, Matt Nix, Tod Goldberg
Los Angeles Times Festival Of Books
We lost the big store booth this year. No Borders or Barnes and Noble. That space was taken by the LA Times Pavilion which was out in nowhere's land in past years. Did we miss the big stores presence? No. The great assortment of writers were still there and just as approachable as ever. Sunday morning James Ellroy was at the Mystery Bookstore signing. A long line of his fans snaked down the center court. Royce Hall was closed to the festival. It was reported that the school wanted to much money. Budget crunch for the school and the La Times. Strangely we didn't miss it's use. The smaller panels were always more informative and entertaining anyway.
One thing that didn't change was those dreadfull Janss Steps. Any plans I made were based on minimizing climbing up or down those steps.
Ended up buying half a dozen books. One was Walker Evans CUBA. The book was discounted 75% off list price at the Getty booth. I paid $6.87. For the other five books the total was $70.
Here's a small group of photos from both days at the festival.
God those steps again!
Big crowds.
The lawn that borders the Janss Steps is always a good place to relax and read that just purchased book. Good place for photos too. The photo from yesterday of the young boy was also taken on this lawn.
These two young ladies were taking snap-shots of what they entered on the What Are You Reading wall. Ding? Shout.
James Ellroy greeting his many fans at the Mystery Bookstore booth.
The lady in the very short skirt just may be the woman that Tod Goldberg encountered while signing books at Mysterious Galaxy booth. There is a link below to Tod's account of the festival and the mystery of the short skirt.
Tod Goldberg with the creator of the popular TV show Burn Notice, Matt Nix. Tod is the author of the Burn Notice tie-in books. His
first second Burn Notice book is The End Game. Down in the right corner is Bill Rabkin who has worked with Tod's brother, Lee Goldberg, and I guess still does. Bill writes the Psych tie-in books. His first Psych book was: Mind Over Magic. He has two more in the works. He has also written for that show. Hey I didn't notice that Mr Rabkin was trying to sneak into the picture. It's OK.
Bill Rabkin, Tod Goldberg and Tod's brother Lee Goldberg were all at the Mystery Bookstore booth signing books and just about anything else that was put in front of them.
Here's Tods's take on the festival. He does a MUCH better job of describing the weekend.
And here is Lee Goldberg's take on the festival.
Giada De Laurentiis at the Culinary Stage. It was very crowded. OK? I didn't have a Stinking Badge so what you see is it. Well not entirely. I did get a partial of Giada. Maybe later I'll post it.
That's it for this year.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
LA Times Festival of Books -- Day Two
It's over. 364 days until the next one.
I think this picture tells it all. Will post more tomorrow. I'm tired.
Saw a lot. Listened to a few excellent panels. Spent a lot. Can't wait until next year so I can do it all over again.